SkyeKiwi Update — June

2 min readJun 9, 2022


SkyeKiwi Update on June 9, 2022

  • To vote or not to vote. As most of you know, SkyeKiwi testnet is live. We are ready to rollout our voting system for on-chain governance. On-chain governance is a system for managing and executing changes to upgrades to our blockchain. And YES, we are handing over the decisions of making such changes to our active community members. Everyone is allowed to vote on the proposed changes. More voting rights are given to those who are actively engaging with our community. Stay tuned to our Discord announcements for details.
  • On-chain:
  1. We have completely refactor the schema for message passing between users, on-chain modules and off-chain dispatchers to make messaging much more efficient and secure without breaking changes;
  2. Updated the core Substrate tag to follow Polkadot 0.9.22 — for better time working as a parachain; this update is huge and contains breaking changes. We will submit a testnet chain reset request for the community to vote on.
  3. New module to transfer assets between mainchain and off-chain VM. Tutorials coming soon.
  • Choko Wallet — a SkyeKiwi community project which is built on top of SkyeKiwi Protocol is in progress and beta test will be released soon. SkyeKiwi is working on growing our community and ecosystem. We are actively talking with NFT/DeFi/SocialFi and other projects teams for collaboration. (The best part: developers or teams who build dApps based on SkyeKiwi will get compensated.)
  • An official ecosystem program will be launched soon. If you are interested in joining the ecosystem or build any project on top of SkyeKiwi Protocol, come talk to us. Let’s build web3 privacy together.
  • Last but not least, SkyeKiwi team will be in Austin for Consensus 2022, drop us a “Hi” if you are attending as well.

Testnet Alpha is live.

Documentation Site is live. We have a huge base of documentation to be built. Would love and appreciate any contribution! Propose a PR or issue to help.

Please drop us a message in our discord channel for any question or feedback!




We are building a decentralized secret sharing protocol. Visit us @